Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm sick, Joe. What's your excuse?

I have to apologize for my tardiness this week. It's bad form to be late on only the second edition, but I woke up Thursday with a cold that I'm not entirely over yet.

Reading Joseph Aaron's flights of fancy didn't make me feel any better, I can tell you that. Nausea was not one of the symptoms of my cold, but reading his column, well...

This week, Joe leaves the Jew bashing for the end, which is kind of nice. Refreshing, really. And he targets people who actually are despicable, which is also a nice bonus. But the majority of the article is just so nuts that it almost defies belief.

Apparently, Muhammed El Baradei, the Egyptian/Muslim/Arab head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, used the word "kosher".

Holy crow! Mashiach has come! An Arab used the word "kosher"!

Gag me. The word has come into such common usage that it's hardly that bizarre. But for Aaron, this is just an example of how good Jews have it. We can all relax and stop worrying about anti-semitism because a friggin' Arab used the word "kosher".

And wow, they mention Hanukkah on TV now. Certainly, the long awaited redemption is here. The goyim are willing to adopt the idiotic equivalency between Hanukkah and the pagan holiday of Christmas, so everything's good. Sounds like the maunderings of any assimilationist, really.

And watch Joseph Aaron in raptures over the announcement that Tootsie Rolls are going to be kosher. There's a big old Muslim dome on the holiest place in the world. Everyone and his brother seems to think that defending ourselves against terrorism is as bad or worse than the terrorism itself. Anti-semitism is more popular today than it has been since the newsreels of the death camps shocked it out of most people. But Tootsie Rolls will be kosher. Halleluj-ah!

I'm not even going to comment on the cutesy story about the Hebrew speaking dog in Montana. I mean, hey. The fact that the light news item folks ran this story definitely makes up for all of the libels about Jews selling Arab organs in what are supposed to be hard news stories.

You know what? Going through this again is bringing back the nausea. So that's about all until next time.

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